New Tenant Protection Plan Requirements

New Tenant Protection Plan Requirements

Beginning November 10th, 2020 there are some important changes regarding Tenant Protection Plans.

Tenant Protection Plans (TPP) are required when there is work in any building that contains an occupied dwelling unit.

Local Law 106 of 2019, effective November 10th, 2020, includes two important additions:

  • The registered design professional (RDP) preparing the TPP must be retained by the general contractor.
  • The permit holder must sign a statement certifying that the TPP submitted by the RDP coordinates with the scope of work intended.


The DOB has published a new TPP1 form that includes a certification that the registered design professional must sign stating that they have been retained by the general contractor. A registered design professional is an architect or engineer licensed in New York State.

There is also a new PW2 permit application form which includes a certification by the applicant or contractor that the TPP coordinates with the intended scope of work.

As part of this change, any application requiring a TPP must submit the TPP1 form prior to permit.

For more information, see Local Law 106 of 2019 and the DOB’s Service Notice.

For more information regarding Tenant Protection plans see our prior newsletter.