Reminder – Gas Piping Inspections Required

Reminder – Gas Piping Inspections Required

Periodic inspections of gas piping are required by Local Law 152 of 2016. Gas piping inspections are applicable to all buildings with gas piping, except R-3 buildings (one- and two-family dwellings, group homes, and small convents and monasteries).

In all boroughs, community districts 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 must perform and submit documentation of gas piping inspection by December 31, 2021.

Within 30 days of performing the inspection, the licensed master plumber must provide the building owner with the inspection results on the GPS1 Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Report form. Within 60 days of the inspection, the owner must submit the Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification (previously the GPS2 form) via the DOB’s online Gas Piping Inspection Portal.

Buildings without gas piping must submit an online certification to document this through the same online portal.