New York City’s Flood Maps to be Revised

New York City’s Flood Maps to be Revised

The de Blasio administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are working together to revise New York City’s flood maps. These new maps will more accurately reflect the current flood risks for NYC and ensure that our coastlines are more resilient.

The coastal flood risk has not been comprehensively evaluated and updated since 1983. In the summer of 2015, during FEMA’s formal appeal period, NYC officials submitted technical analyses that proposed revisions to the preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for New York City.

In October 2016 Mayor Bill de Blasio and FEMA announced an agreement to revise New York City’s flood maps. This will have many positive impacts on the city, including making flood insurance rates more affordable for homeowners.

Please note that until the new maps are formally adopted, construction applications filed with the DOB must include both the 2007 effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and the 2013 preliminary FIRM.