New requirements for certificate of fitness required for Fire and Life Safety (FLS) Directors are effective on December 1st by amendments of five Fire Department Rules 3 RCNY ยงยง 113-01, 113-04, 113-05, 113-06 and 4601-01.
The 2014 Fire Code replaced Fire Safety and Emergency Action Plan (Fire Safety/EAP) Directors in office buildings, and Fire Safety Directors in hotels and in other buildings that have voluntarily installed fire alarm systems with two-way voice communication with a single certificate of fitness for a Fire and Life Safety (FLS) Director in both types of occupancies.
Other non-fire emergencies, such as medical emergencies and active shooters situations, were also part of the 2014 Fire Code updates. FLS Directors are required to be trained in these non-fire emergencies.
By March 1, 2020, a qualified person holding an FLS Director certificate of fitness is required instead of the prior certificate of fitness for a Fire Safety/EAP Director or Fire Safety Director.