New Fire and Life Safety Director Requirements

New Fire and Life Safety Director Requirements

New requirements for certificate of fitness required for Fire and Life Safety (FLS) Directors are effective on December 1st by amendments of five Fire Department Rules 3 RCNY ยงยง 113-01, 113-04, 113-05, 113-06 and 4601-01.

The 2014 Fire Code replaced Fire Safety and Emergency Action Plan (Fire Safety/EAP) Directors in office buildings, and Fire Safety Directors in hotels and in other buildings that have voluntarily installed fire alarm systems with two-way voice communication with a single certificate of fitness for a Fire and Life Safety (FLS) Director in both types of occupancies.

Other non-fire emergencies, such as medical emergencies and active shooters situations, were also part of the 2014 Fire Code updates. FLS Directors are required to be trained in these non-fire emergencies.

By March 1, 2020, a qualified person holding an FLS Director certificate of fitness is required instead of the prior certificate of fitness for a Fire Safety/EAP Director or Fire Safety Director.