After much anticipation by the industry, the City Council unanimously voted to adopt the M1 Hotel Zoning text amendment.
The Zoning amendment is applicable to M1 light manufacturing districts. Under the recently adopted zoning amendment, in most M1 districts, a special permit granted by the City Planning Commission will be required for a new hotel, change of use to a hotel, and a hotel enlargement of 20% or more.
Any legally existing hotel in an M1 district is permitted to remain as long as such use is not discontinued for two or more years. Any existing permit for a hotel in an M1 district will expire by December 20 th, 2021 if a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) is not obtained by that time. The Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) may grant authorization to extend the permit.
Thinking of a new hotel project? Contact Design 2147 to see how we can help your project succeed!