Limited Alteration Applications and Emergency Work Notifications must be submitted in DOB NOW: Build

Limited Alteration Applications and Emergency Work Notifications must be submitted in DOB NOW: Build

Starting October 15th all new Limited Alteration Applications (LAA1) and Emergency Work Notifications (EWN) must be submitted in DOB NOW: Build

The Limited Alteration Applications are used by Licensed Master Plumbers, Licensed Oil Burner Installers or Licensed Fire Suppression Contractors for plumbing work, fire suppression piping replacement and repairs, and oil burner installations that do not include construction work.

Filing of paper copies of the LAA1 form will continue to be accepted in person at 280 Broadway, or by mail if postmarked by October 1, 2018.

LAA1s will still be accepted to be eFiled up until October 14, 2018.

EWNs can still be emailed or faxed to the LAA/Permit Renewal & HUB Authentication Unit up until 3:00 PM on October 12, 2018.

DOB NOW: Build uses the eFiling account credentials.  If you do not have an eFiling account, users can register here.

For more information see the DOB’s service bulletin here.