While it may not seem like it, we are a few weeks into the 2017-2018 heat season. Landlords are required to provide heat for their tenants from October 1 through May 31.
NYC Council passed legislation earlier this year that modified the temperature requirements for buildings providing heat, see Local Law 2017/086 & §27-2029 of the New York City Administrative Code. The daytime requirement, between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM shall remain the same, requiring that the minimum indoor temperature be 68 degrees Fahrenheit when the outdoor temperature falls below 55 degrees.
However, the minimum overnight temperature, between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM the minimum indoor temperature must be maintained at least 62 degrees Fahrenheit (up from 55), and this temperature must be maintained regardless of the outdoor temperature (previously only required heating when outside temperature dropped below 40 degrees).
According to HPD’s website, as of October 18, 2017, there have already been 4,136 complaints this season. Make sure that rental properties are being heated adequately to avoid fines which can be between $250-$500 per day for initial violations on a building and between $500-$1,000 per day for each subsequent violation at the same building.
More Info:
Heat and Hot Water