Building Energy Grades Must be Posted by October 31st

Building Energy Grades Must be Posted by October 31st

The DOB publishes new energy efficiency grades and rating labels every year by October 1st. The building energy grades are based on the energy benchmarking data which must be submitted to DOB by May 1st of every year. The DOB also updates the published list of Covered Buildings every year, which can be searched by the property’s borough, block and lot (BBL) number. The annual Covered Buildings list can be accessed through the energy efficiency compliance instructions page. Property owners are also notified via the November tax bill of the requirement to comply.

Covered Buildings for energy efficiency ratings include:

·     a building more than 25,000 gross square feet

·     two or more buildings on a single tax lot that are more than 100,000 gross square feet

·     two or more condominium buildings that are more than 100,000 gross square feet

·     a city building

The energy efficiency rating is calculated through the benchmarking tool and given a letter grade of A through F. The energy efficiency label can be printed through the DOB NOW Public Portal, see DOB Service Notice for instructions.

Failure to display the energy efficiency rating label may result in a violation and $1,250 civil penalty. The label must be printed and displayed near each public entrance to a building at a vertical height of 4-6 feet. When new scores are published each year, the label must be replaced. It is not required that the label be framed or laminated however it is recommended to ensure all information is visible throughout the year.